The Life of William McKinley - Biography of the 25th President of the United States
Edward Stratemeyer
For the Liberty of Texas: The History of the Mexican War
Edward Stratemeyer
The Life of Theodore Roosevelt - Biography of the 26th President of the United States
Edward Stratemeyer
The Ultimate Submarine Compendium: 36 Captivating Reads - The Boys' Book of Submarines Aircraft and Submarines Submarine Warfare of To-day etc
Edward Stratemeyer, H. Irving Hancock, A. Hyatt Verrill, Roy Rockwood, Percy F. Westerman, James R. Driscoll, Victor G. Durham, Donald Grayson, Jules Verne, Thomas W. Corbin, A. Frederick Collins, Luis Senarens, Harold Wheeler, Willis J. Abbot, Robert Fulton, John Blaine, Freiherr von E. Spiegel, T. D. Hallam, Charles W. Domville-Fife, Ajax, Charles William Sleeman, Georg-Günther Freiherr von Forstner, William Barclay Parsons, Herbert C. Fyfe, G. Harvey Ralphson, Elmer Tracey Barnes, Clair W. Hayes, Virgil D. Collins, Farnham Bishop, Henry John Sir Newbolt, Paul König
A Collector's Edition of 47 Storybooks About Inheritance - Uncle Terry John Marsh's Millions The Princess Galva Colin The Adventures of Sally etc
Walter Bagehot, Grant Allen, L. T. Meade, Edward Stratemeyer, Richard Marsh, Matthew White, E.F. Benson, P. G. Wodehouse, G. A. Henty, Janet D. Wheeler, Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards, Talbot Baines Reed, David Whitelaw, Charles Clark Munn, Mrs. Oliphant, Charles Klein, Arthur Hornblow, T. W. Speight, John Reed Scott, Harold Avery, A. S. Packard, William Bateson, V. Sackville-West, Christabel R. Coleridge, Headon Hill, Paul Popenoe, Roswell H. Johnson, Charles Benedict Davenport, Jack Steele, A. J. Foster, Edith E. Cuthell, E. C. Kenyon, Henry H. Goddard, Dorothea Moore, Alex. McVeigh Mrs. Miller, Mary H. Debenham, Horatio Jr. Alger, George de Horne Vaizey, Honoré de Balzac
Decoding Deceit: 17 Essential Reads on Fraud Scams Hoaxes and Grafters - The Princess Tarakanova Famous Impostors Quacks and Grafters The Fraud of Feminism etc
Alexandre Dumas, Bram Stoker, L. Frank Baum, Edward Stratemeyer, John Newman, Julia K. Duncan, Clarence Young, G. P. Danilevskii, Ernest Belfort Bax, Austin Bidwell, F. Colburn Adams, W. H. Inglis, Fydell Edmund Garrett, Horatio Jr. Alger
The Kidnapping Omnibus Collection: 29 Thrilling Books - The Land of Frozen Suns The Door into Infinity Dorothy John Baring's House etc
Howard Pyle, Edward Stratemeyer, Friedrich Schiller, Samuel Richardson, William Henry Giles Kingston, P. G. Wodehouse, Andy Adams, Edmond Hamilton, George W. Peck, Burt L. Standish, Howard Roger Garis, Guy Boothby, Frederic Arnold Kummer, Bertrand W. Sinclair, Frances Trego Montgomery, Evelyn Raymond, Nicholas Carter, Elsie Singmaster, Paul Hutchens, Justus Miles Forman, Belle Wiley, William R. Eyster, Frank Savile, L. P. Wyman, Frank Walton, Grace Willard Edick, Horatio Jr. Alger
The Grand Library of Treasure Hunts: A 45-Book Collection - The Voodoo Gold Trail Pieces of Eight The Pirate of Panama Doubloonsâ€"and the Girl etc
L. Frank Baum, Ralph Delahaye Paine, James Otis, Edward Stratemeyer, Upton Sinclair, Victor Appleton, G. A. Henty, William MacLeod Raine, Laura Lee Hope, Roy J. Snell, Charles Gilson, George Manville Fenn, John Henry Goldfrap, Harry Castlemon, Richard Le Gallienne, Capwell Wyckoff, Percy F. Westerman, Rupert Sargent Holland, Frank V. Webster, James R. Driscoll, Harold L. Goodwin, J. T. Trowbridge, Paul Hutchens, Ross Kay, Walter Walden, Leo E. Miller, Andrew Jackson Howell, John Maxwell Forbes, Camilla Kenyon, Arthur D. Howden Smith, Grace Brooks Hill, Gerald Breckenridge, G. Harvey Ralphson, Elliott Whitney, Spencer Davenport, Jean L. McKechnie, Horatio Jr. Alger
Seaside Stories: 29 Books of Boating Adventures - Man on the Ocean The Book of the Sailboat Mr Punch Afloat What Happened at Quasi etc
Edward Sylvester Ellis, Edward Stratemeyer, Oliver Optic, George Cary Eggleston, R. M. Ballantyne, A. Hyatt Verrill, Ruel Perley Smith, J. B. Atkins, E. Boyd Smith, Ralph Henry Barbour, St. George Rathborne, George A. Warren, Cyril Ionides, Ross Kay, E. L. Kolb, Edmund Lester Pearson, W. Crispin Sheppard, Vance Barnum, Harry Gordon, Frederick Gordon, A. J. Kenealy
Yacht Adventures: 19 Books of Sea Tales - The Cruise of The Violetta The Swan and Her Crew A Year in a Yawl The Polly Page Yacht Club etc
Edward Stratemeyer, Annie Brassey, G. A. Henty, Roy J. Snell, Mildred A. Wirt, G. Christopher Davies, Ruel Perley Smith, John Henry Goldfrap, Harry Castlemon, Arthur Colton, Howard Roger Garis, Carol Norton, Russell Doubleday, Ralph Stock, C. A. Stephens, Izola L. Forrester, Margaret Love Sanderson
Into the Wild: 19 Stories of Unforgettable Hunting Expeditions - The Hunters of the Ozark The Wolf Hunters The Trail of the Elk The Island Trapper etc
Edward Sylvester Ellis, Edward Stratemeyer, James Oliver Curwood, Mayne Reid, Charles King, A. Hyatt Verrill, Quincy Allen, Frederick Courteney Selous, T. C. Harbaugh, Anne Bowman, Robert Morris Peck, Mikkjel Fønhus
The Mystery Fiction Vault: 75 Books - The Coast of Chance Deep Moat Grange Under Cover As We Forgive Them The Avenger etc
Wilkie Collins, William Le Queux, Émile Gaboriau, E. W. Hornung, Louis Tracy, Edward Stratemeyer, Richard Marsh, S. R. Crockett, F. Marion Crawford, Agatha Christie, E. Phillips Oppenheim, Andy Adams, John T. McIntyre, Roy J. Snell, Mildred A. Wirt, Grace May North, Fred M. White, Edgar Pangborn, George Barton, George Barr McCutcheon, Wyndham Martyn, Burt L. Standish, Tom Gallon, Margaret Penrose, Howard Roger Garis, Arthur J. Rees, Cornelia Meigs, Percy Keese Fitzhugh, Lucia Chamberlain, Augusta Huiell Seaman, Ethel Cook Eliot, Katharine Newlin Burt, Angela Brazil, Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton, John Ironside, Van Powell, Esther Chamberlain, Nicholas Carter, Edwin Balmer, E. J. Craine, Absalom Martin, Archibald Lee Fletcher, Amy Bell Marlowe, Valentine Williams, Ross Kay, John R. Watson, John R. Carling, William MacHarg, Roi Cooper Megrue, A. H. Vesey, Bannister Merwin, Oliver Fleming, Marjorie Douie, James French Dorrance, E. S. Dorrance, Don Palmer, Albert M. Treynor, Alex. McVeigh Mrs. Miller, James A. Braden, Helen Randolph, Helen M. Persons, Frederick Gordon, Elbert M. Hoppenstedt
Kid’s Treasury: 99 Classic Children's Books to Enlighten and Educate - Rootabaga Pigeons The Good Crow's Happy Shop Little Mitchell Nobody's Girl The Magic Fishbone Slovenly Betsy The monster-hunters etc
William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, John Bunyan, E. Nesbit, Johanna Spyri, John Habberton, Neltje Blanchan, Hector Malot, James Otis, Edward Stratemeyer, Mary Lamb, Charles Lamb, Oliver Optic, Heinrich Hoffmann, Karl Friedrich Becker, Mary Macgregor, Padraic Colum, G. E. Mitton, Bernadine Bailey, Evelyn Sharp, Jesse Lyman Hurlbut, Mary Hazelton Blanchard Wade, Alfred John Church, Josephine Daskam Bacon, Jim Kjelgaard, Harrison Weir, Carl Sandburg, Paul B. Du Chaillu, C. E. Smith, Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Francis Rolt-Wheeler, W. Warde Fowler, Rupert Sargent Holland, Josephine Pollard, Sarath Kumar Ghosh, Mary F. Nixon-Roulet, Olive Thorne Miller, Katharine Elizabeth Dopp, Margaret Warner Morley, Dillon Wallace, Norman F. Langford, H. R. Hall, Elisha Noyce, Jean M. Thompson, Patten Beard, Ray Stannard Baker, A. L. O. E., Pamela Grey, Mary Proctor, Ella Rodman Church, Louey Chisholm, Charles H. L. Johnston, George P. Upton, Etta Blaisdell McDonald, E. Louise Smythe, Wm. H. Meadowcroft, E. F. Buckley, Julia Dalrymple, H. Lee M. Pike, Edith M. Patch, F. J. Cross, Kathrine Lois Scobey, Olive Brown Horne, Florence Emma Voigt Mendel, Luna May Ennis, Mary Elting, Dorothy Crain, Douglas English, Roy Rutherford Bailey, C. M. Stevens, Catharine Shaw, Benjamin Brewster, Francis La Flesche, Burren Laughlin, L. L. Flood, James H. Shaw, Henry C. McCook, Claire Martha Coburn, May Farinholt Jones, Harriet Pearl Skinner, Rebecca Deming Moore, Helen Mildred Owen, Joseph Grinnell, Elizabeth Grinnell, Harriet Putnam, Vesta J. Farnsworth, Georgia Eldridge Hanley, Thomas Lambert Sappington, W. Harcourt Bath, Paul Hume, Ruth Fox Hume, Homer Homer, Loïs Bates, L. Würdig
Two boys in the Arctic Circle
Edward Stratemeyer
The Rover Boys at Big Bear Lake; or The Camps of the Rival Cadets
Edward Stratemeyer
Don Sturdy on the Ocean Bottom or The Strange Cruise of the Phantom
Edward Stratemeyer
Dave Porter in the Far North
Edward Stratemeyer
The Rover Boys Series
Edward Stratemeyer
The Childhood of Theodore Roosevelt
Edward Stratemeyer
The Childhood of William McKinley
Edward Stratemeyer
The Adventures of Rover Boys: 26 Illustrated Adventure Novels
Edward Stratemeyer
The History of Mexican War: For the Liberty of Texas
Edward Stratemeyer
The Rover Boys Series (Illustrated Edition) - The Rover Boys Series (Illustrated Edition)
Edward Stratemeyer
For the Liberty of Texas - Account of the Mexican War
Edward Stratemeyer
American Boys' Life of Theodore Roosevelt - Biography of the 26th President of the United States
Edward Stratemeyer
American Boys' Life of William McKinley - Biography of the 25th President of the United States
Edward Stratemeyer
THE ROVER BOYS Boxed Set: 26 Illustrated Adventure Novels
Edward Stratemeyer
The Tales Of The Heptameron Complete I to V
Edward Stratemeyer
Dave Porter At Bear Camp
Edward Stratemeyer
Edward Stratemeyer: The Complete Works
Edward Stratemeyer