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Tales of Struggle: A Collection of 23 Storybooks from the Depths of Poverty - State of the Union Addresses The Lady Poverty Hungry Hearts Alone in London L'Assommoir etc

Hesba Stretton, William Booth, Pansy, Susan Warner, Anzia Yezierska, George Haw, Francis Brett Young, Sarah Knowles Bolton, Maksim Gorky, Anna Bartlett Warner, Nassau William Senior, Bernie Babcock, Ruth Russell, Edwin Gifford Lamb, Lyndon B. Johnson, Da Parma Giovanni, C. E. Bowen, Horatio Jr. Alger, Edward Abbott Sir Parry, Émile Zola

A Tapestry of Home Life: 27 Domestic Fiction Books - Sisters Three Betty Trevor Shenac's Work at Home The Confounding of Camelia True Love etc

Maria Edgeworth, Martha Finley, Mrs. Molesworth, Edith Wharton, Rebecca West, E.M. Forster, Anne Douglas Sedgwick, Marian Hurd McNeely, Ethel Turner, Jean Bingham Wilson, Corra Harris, Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov, Margaret M. Robertson, Theodore P. Wilson, Sarah E. Farro, W. Somerset Maugham, Eleanora H. Stooke, Caroline Austin, George de Horne Vaizey, Émile Zola

Legal Trials Unveiled: A Collection of 19 Captivating Books - Trial of William Palmer The trial of Emile Zola Lettres d'un Innocent The Gun Alley Tragedy etc

Theodore Parker, Edgar Pangborn, Lucia Chamberlain, Alfred Dreyfus, John N. Raphael, Joseph P. Brady, T. C. Brennan, Daniel Sutton, David K. Breed, William Brodie Gurney, Francis F. Beirne, bar Member of the Philadelphia, Kenneth James Sir Beatty, Émile Zola

Survival Stories of Floods: 15 Books - San Isidro The Flood The Passaic Flood of 1903 The Second Deluge Afloat on the Flood etc

Victor Appleton, Friedrich Spielhagen, Willis Fletcher Johnson, Logan Marshall, Garrett Putman Serviss, Lawrence J. Leslie, Marshall Ora Leighton, Robert Shaler, William Theophilus Nichols, Carolyn Judson Burnett, Herbert active 1909-1917 Carter, Sir E. A. Wallis Budge, Schuyler Mrs. Crowninshield, Émile Zola

The Ultimate Farm Life Compendium: 18 Must-Read Books - Farm Boys and Girls The American Country Girl In Pastures Green Hope Farm Notes etc

Émile Gaboriau, Alphonse Daudet, Alfred de Musset, Anatole France, George Sand, Guillaume Apollinaire, Georges Clemenceau, Paul de Kock, Gustave Droz, Remy de Gourmont, J. K. Huysmans, Erckmann Erckmann-Chatrian, Paul Bourget, Augustin Filon, Henry Bordeaux, Gaston Leroux, Honoré de Balzac, Émile Zola, Alain René Le Sage, Pierre Louÿs, Henry Gréville, Eugène Sue, André Gide, Pierre Benoît

The French Fiction Compendium: 73 Must-Reads - The Amethyst Ring The White House The Gods are Athirst Sister Anne Very Woman etc

Émile Gaboriau, Alphonse Daudet, Alfred de Musset, Anatole France, George Sand, Guillaume Apollinaire, Georges Clemenceau, Paul de Kock, Gustave Droz, Remy de Gourmont, J. K. Huysmans, Erckmann Erckmann-Chatrian, Paul Bourget, Augustin Filon, Henry Bordeaux, Gaston Leroux, Honoré de Balzac, Émile Zola, Alain René Le Sage, Pierre Louÿs, Henry Gréville, Eugène Sue, André Gide, Pierre Benoît